Africa facing climate impact ‘nightmare’: Kenyan President

Worst drought in 40 years ravages Kenya and the wider Horn of Africa, putting millions at risk of starvation

Worst drought in 40 years ravages Kenya and the wider Horn of Africa, putting millions at risk of starvation

Kenya’s President William Ruto told world leaders at UN talks on Monday that the devastating effects of climate change are already a “living nightmare” for people across Africa.

The United Nations Climate Conference of the Parties in Egypt, billed as the “African COP”, is set to dominate calls from developing countries that wealthy polluters pay for the damage already done by their emissions, which is referred to as “harm and damage”. ” is referred to as.

“Africa contributes less than three percent of the pollution attributed to climate change, but it is most severely affected by the coming crisis,” said Mr. Ruto.

The worst drought in 40 years is gripping Kenya and the wider Horn of Africa, putting millions at risk of starvation – with the United Nations warning Somalia is on the brink of famine for the second time in just over a decade.

Mr Ruto said about 2.5 million animals have died in Kenya alone this year, causing economic losses of more than $1.5 billion.

Poor countries successfully fought to include the issue of loss and damage officially on the agenda of COP27 – despite reluctance from rich countries to address the issue, wary of open-ended compensation for damages caused by climate-induced natural disasters .

But observers have warned that developing countries hope this is only a first step in what would be a specific fund to help with climate impacts.

Speaking on behalf of the Africa Negotiating Group, Mr. Ruto said, “Loss and damage is not an abstract topic of endless conversation.”

“It is our daily experience and a living nightmare for millions of Kenyans and millions of Africans.”

He said the country had to reallocate budgets for education and health for an emergency food relief program for 4.3 million Kenyans, adding that “climate change directly threatens the lives, health and future of our people”. Is”.

Even wildlife has not been spared in a country rich in biodiversity.

“Carcasses of elephants, zebras, wild animals and many other wild animals litter our parks,” he said, adding that the government has spent $3 million on feed and water supplies to animals in distress over the past three months. .

In February, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that millions of Africans were facing future drought, disease and displacement due to global warming.

Rich nations have failed to provide $100 billion a year to help developing countries build resilience and green their economies by 2020, reaching just $83 billion, according to the United Nations.

This, Mr Ruto said, is “a major cause of continued distrust”.

But he stressed that the continent presented enormous economic opportunity and a chance to curb emissions and announced an African summit next year focusing on climate action.

“Africa’s vast land, deep treasures of diverse natural resources, tremendous untapped renewable energy potential, and a young, dynamic and skilled workforce. constitute the continent’s irresistible credentials,” he said.