After 3 acquittals in Chhawla gang rape-murder case, top public prosecutor writes to Home Ministry urging ‘review’

New Delhi: Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Aishwarya Bhati on Tuesday wrote to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) giving an opinion on the Supreme Court’s decision to acquit the Delhi Police three people facing death in the 2012 gang rape and murder case. should be reviewed. Chhawla area of ​​Delhi.

On Monday, a bench headed by the then Chief Justice of India (CJI) UU Lalit convicted the accused – Rahul, Ravi and Vinod – “benefit of doubt” If. The top court had said that the trial in the lower court was filled with “many glaring lapses”.

Bhati said all the ‘evidence’ – relating to the abduction of the deceased, medical evidence about 16 brutal anti-mortem and 8 post-mortem injuries as well as expert opinion of doctors, DNA analysis which conclusively links the three Accused of the offence, recovery of material objects from the accused and their direct connection to the crime, particularly the car in which the offense was partly committed and the locations of the mobile phones of the deceased and the accused – show that the offense was committed by the three no one else.

“The review petitions should be given immediate priority by the State for review of the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, which points out obvious errors on the face of the record in that judgment, by which the appellants have been wholly acquitted of the offence. The letter, a copy of which is with ThePrint, said.

It also said that “the direct and circumstantial evidence available in the case is sufficient and sufficient for the purpose of maintaining the conviction and sentence of the accused persons”.

The senior law officer said, “The minor vulnerabilities present in the investigation and trial beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt do not dent the need for proof of crime, as dictated by the principles of criminal jurisprudence in our country.”

While MHA officials confirmed receiving the ASG’s opinion, Delhi Police sources said it was being “processed”.

The trio of Rahul, Ravi and Vinod are accused of kidnapping, gang-raping and brutally murdering a 19-year-old woman in February 2012. His mutilated body was found three days after the abduction. In 2014, a trial court had sentenced the trio to death, terming the case “rare than ever”.

(Edited by Tony Rae)

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