After first round loss at Madrid Open, Andy Murray considering return to French Open

Andy Murray said he hopes to play at the French Open after being knocked out in the first round of the Madrid Open on Thursday.

Murray suffered a 6-2, 7-6(7) first round loss to Andrea Vavassori at the Madrid Open on Thursday.

“Definitely the start of the clay season hasn’t been that easy for me, but usually after a few weeks, I start to feel better and play better. Obviously last year, I’m not saying I came here and played incredible tennis. Away, but I was playing well enough to win matches…against good players, top players,” Murray told at his post-match press conference. Said.

Murray also suggested that he could play at Roland Garros for the first time since 2020.

“My team has some different opinions on what I should do,” Murray said of a possible return to the Paris Clays, on which he has competed just once since reaching the semifinals in 2017.

Asked to elaborate on his thoughts towards Roland Garros, Murray said he looked forward to participating in the year’s second Grand Slam.

“I would like to play, just purely because I don’t know if I will get the chance to play again. As long as I feel fit and healthy, I will give it a go. But I also have ambitions to compete.” Wimbledon titles and things like that, and I know sitting here today it probably doesn’t sound realistic, but I do believe it’s a possibility. I obviously want to do the right thing out there,” he explained.

Murray skipped Roland Garros the past two years to make an early start on his Wimbledon preparations.

“I don’t know. It’s impossible to say what’s the right thing to do, but definitely it’s a Grand Slam. I want the opportunity to play,” he concluded. (ANI)

The text of this story is published from a wire agency feed without any modification. Only the headline has been changed.

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