After ‘Kachcha Baad’, whatever shinger today, Arif Khan’s melodious voice will win someone’s heart

Joker Shinger Arif Khan

New Delhi:

Social media is specially for common people. In this way they were under the direction of social media. Like the name of the people singing the song. People are different from the Internet. One such social media sensation was Shinger Arif Khan. Yes, clowns and voices are being heard on social media.

this also further

Everyone loves Joker Shinger Arif Khan’s melodious voice. While playing in the camera, Arif Khan is seen singing. To do so in Arif’s dining room. voice of voice In such a situation, Ahmed Khan has recorded Arif for the first time.

This information is in your new video. Also this is Arif Khan’s first song in any way. For the first time Ahmed was seen in a video. He likes India’s Shingar Sonu and Arijit Singh. In the video, Ahmed Khan also accompanied these shingers in Arif Khan. Later on social media will dominate. Likes social media.