After NEET result, distress calls on Tamil Nadu health helpline increase

Last Update: 11 September 2022, 13:18 IST

There has been a flood of calls to the TN government’s health helpline set up to provide counseling to NEET aspirants. (representative image)

After the declaration of NEET results on Wednesday midnight, the number of callers on the helpline has increased manifold.

Tamil Nadu government’s health helpline set up to provide counseling to NEET aspirants has been flooded with calls from students who have failed to clear the exam.

After the declaration of NEET results on Wednesday midnight, the number of callers on the helpline has increased manifold. Psychological counseling for NEET-UG candidates began in Tamil Nadu on July 19 as several students in the state committed suicide after failing the exam last year.

Employees working with the 104 helpline told IANS that callers are in distress and many callers want to know how they can cope with the reality that they could not crack NEET.

The counselor told IANS that most of the students who approached him were those who had scored more than 90 per cent marks in their Tamil Nadu plus two board exams in core science subjects like physics, chemistry and biology.

A counselor from the 104 helpline, who attended the call, said: “Most of the students who are calling are doing consistently well in academics and scoring high marks in core science subjects. However, they failed to clear the exam and are therefore depressed and in a highly distressed and distressed state. ,

She said that she felt that all her studies were in vain and she had no other option but to end her life. It may be noted that this year 1,32,167 students from Tamil Nadu appeared in the NEET-UG examinations and out of which 67,787 qualified.

The helpline staff also said that they had tried to reach out to a 19-year-old girl from Ambattur, Chennai, who had committed suicide soon after the results were out. The state government is trying to expand the services of the helpline as the number of emergency calls is increasing.

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