After the urine incident, Air India changed the possibility of drinking alcohol in the flight, said – until the crew members…

The Tata Group-owned airline (Air India) has been fined by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) for unruly behavior of passengers on two international flights in the last few days. However, the change of name could not be traced to the statutory policy.

As per SAFE policy, passengers should not be allowed to drink alcohol unless served by crew members and crew members should be vigilant to identify passengers who are consuming their own alcohol. According to the policy, “Alcoholic beverages should be properly and safely treated as detoxifiers. It also includes refusing to serve (age and) liquor to the clerk.

An Air India spokesperson said in a statement that the airline has reviewed the existing in-flight alcohol offering companion policy based on the guidelines of the American National Restaurant Association (NONRE), following practices followed by other aviation authorities. is of. ,

“These are largely in line with the existing Air India practices, although some adjustments have been made for better visibility,” the statements said. The drivers in the NRA traffic light system are familiar with the issue of drunk driving and are involved in helping you.”

At the same time, DGCA has imposed a fine of 30 lakhs on the airline in the case of urination in Air India flight. According to news agency ANI, DGCA has suspended the pilot’s license for 3 months. Meanwhile, Shankar Mishra’s lawyer said that the 4-month ban on his client is wrong. A committee was formed by Air India to investigate the matter, which banned Shankar’s flight for 4 months.

read this also:-

Air India imposes four-month flight ban for elderly woman urinating on flight

In-flight trauma case: As Bada states that the incident has caused him personal pain

Railing case in Air India flight, statements of 2 crew members recorded on Tuesday

(This news has not been edited by ANDITV team. It is published directly from the syndicate.)

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