Akshay Kumar, who fell in love with ‘Raksha Raksha’ for the first time, said- ‘The goddess after whom life will change’

Akshay Kumar

New Delhi:

Bollywood accident kumar is pregnant pregnant. He is also a fever-fan of his film. Based on the brother and related of the family of the battery. In the middle, Akshay Kumar is seen crying bitterly for his real life partner Alka Bhatia. is your goddess. Akshay Kumar appears in a TV show in a TV show show.

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Akshay Kumar did a similar song on the stage of Songing 2. During this type of season, they are scheduled to start at broadcast 2. Akshay Kumar’s voice was heard by Alkabhatia’s voice. Forever Akshay Kumar’s title, ‘With me in my every happiness and sorrow’. father-brother color

Next time in Alka Bhatia’s video, ‘Sub Chest Ke Liye Raju’. Akshay Kumar remains happy with his title. After that day comes, the lifetime will be complete. Which is related to the aura.’ This is the fast paced campaign of Akshay Kumar on social media. Prefer to video.

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