Al-Qaeda chief blames US for attack on Ukraine in new video – Times of India

Baghdad: Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri made an appearance in a pre-recorded video to mark the 11th anniversary of the death of his predecessor Osama bin Laden,
Al-Zawahri Says In Video That “America’s Weakness” Was Caused By His Allies Ukraine Became a “victim” of the Russian invasion.
According to the 27-minute speech was released on Friday site intelligence This group keeps an eye on militant activities. The leader is seen sitting at a table with books and a gun.
Urging Muslim unity, al-Zawahari said the US was in a state of weakness and decline and cited the impact of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan launched after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Bin Laden was the mastermind and financier behind these attacks.
He said, “Here (the US) is after its defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, after the economic disasters caused by the 9/11 attacks, after the Corona pandemic, and after leaving its ally Ukraine as a victim of the Russians. ,” They said.
Bin Laden was killed in 2011 by the US military in a raid on his compound Pakistan,
Al-Zawahari’s whereabouts are unknown. he is desired by FBI And there’s a $25 million reward for information leading to his capture.