Al-Qaeda: Two Qaeda suspects out of three killed in Yemen drone strike – Times of India

Dubai: A suspected US drone attack on Sunday killed three people in Central Yemen, including two accused al Qaeda jihadists, local government officials said.
A government official told AFP on condition of anonymity: “A drone, believed to be American, targeted a car carrying a man, possibly an al-Qaeda member, and his wife, whose As a result both were injured.” ,
“Three people, a civilian and two suspected al-Qaeda gunmen, who were in a vehicle going to the site to aid the wounded, were targeted and killed in another attack.”
A second government official in the border area between the central provinces of Shabwa and al-baydah Two attacks and death toll confirmed.
The United States considers al-Qaeda to be the Yemen branch of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) — the most dangerous faction of the global jihadist network.
The long-running US drone war against AQAP intensified after the former president Donald Trump Took over in 2017.
AQAP, and other militants loyal to the Islamic State group, have thrived in the chaos of Yemen’s civil war, pitting the Saudi-backed government against Iran-allied Houthi rebels.
AQAP has campaigned against Houthi and government forces, as well as sporadic attacks abroad, including the offices of the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo in 2015.
But analysts say its capability on the ground has diminished, although it still inspires attacks by “lone wolf” jihadists or former operatives.
In February 2020, AQAP confirmed the death of its leader Qasim Al-Rimi After being killed in a US drone strike, more appointed Khalid Batrafi as his successor.
Yemen has been mired in conflict since 2015, when a Saudi-led coalition intervened to support the government after the Houthis captured the capital, Sanaa.
Relief agencies say the conflict has since killed thousands and sparked the United Nations world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with millions displaced.
