All You Wanted to Know About the Coronation of King Charles III

LONDON: The United Kingdom’s royal family turns the page on a new chapter on Saturday with the coronation of King Charles III – a spectacle that echoes medieval times but reflects modern flourishes. The pomp, pageantry and symbolism goes back more than 1,000 years, but this monarch’s coronation will mark new twists and turns in the tradition since the coronation of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, 70 years ago.

Plans for the ceremony at Westminster Abbey call for a more toned-down affair than the previous one, even though royals from other countries, heads of state and most of Charles’s family will be there, and will be dressed as the king. Elizabeth has a plan.

Here are some things to know about coronation:

If Charles is already king why does he have a coronation?

Charles automatically ascended to the throne upon Elizabeth’s death on 8 September, and two days later he was officially proclaimed King of the United Kingdom, in an ascension ceremony broadcast for the first time on television.

Charles said he was “deeply aware of this great heritage and of the duties and onerous responsibilities of sovereignty that have now devolved upon me.” There is no legal requirement for a coronation, and other European monarchies have abolished the ceremonies.

But the deeply religious and regalia-heavy event is a more formal confirmation of his role as head of state and titular head of the Church of England and was intended to show that the king’s authority was derived from God.

During a service conducted by the church’s spiritual leader, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles will be anointed with oil, receive the traditional symbols of the monarch – including the orb and scepter – and the St Edward’s Crown will be placed on his head for the first time. Charles’ wife Camilla will be crowned as Queen Consort.

How will it be different from the last coronation?

The coronation ceremony dates back to medieval times, and much of it remains unchanged. Westminster Abbey has been establishing the ritual since the coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066.

In June 1953, the coronation of Elizabeth II was broadcast live for the first time on television. The broadcast in black and white attracted millions of viewers in the UK and was later played to audiences around the world. In the age of streaming and social media, people will be able to watch Charles’ coronation live – and in vivid red, blue and gold – from virtually anywhere on the planet and post their hot takes with the crown emoji created for the occasion .

Charles has said he plans to reduce the monarchy. Her coronation is expected to mirror her mother’s with a ceremony short of the three-hour extravaganza and no more than 2,800 guests in the audience – fewer than the 8,000 who gathered to see Elizabeth crowned.

In a change to the religious makeup of the United Kingdom, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh religious leaders will play a role in the coronation. This reflects Charles’ determination to be a “defender of the beliefs” as opposed to a “defender of the faith”.

The procession following the ceremony will also of course be shorter than the 5-mile (8 km) route that Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, took around London in 1953. Charles and Camilla plan to get a more modern set of horse-drawn wheels. for the 1.3-mile (2-kilometre) route from Buckingham Palace to the cloister. Once the coronation is over, they will step back in time and resume the journey in the 260-year-old carriage – notorious for its rough ride – used at every coronation since William IV in 1831.

Who’s on the guest list?

Up to a hundred heads of state are expected to attend, along with royalty from Japan’s Crown Prince Akishino and his wife Kiko to Spain’s King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia.

The US will keep alive its streak of a president not attending a British royal coronation, although first lady Jill Biden is set to attend.

William, Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, is expected to kneel before his father and pledge his loyalty in what is known as the Honoring of the Royal Blood.

His younger brother, Prince Harry, the estranged Duke of Sussex, is not expected to attend the service. His explosive memoir “Spare”, which became a bestseller earlier this year, made unflattering claims about the royal family.

Until three weeks ago, there was a question of whether Harry and his wife Meghan would attend the crown following allegations of racism and media manipulation of the royal family.

While Harry will be there, the duchess is to stay at the couple’s Southern California home with their two young children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

The coronation comes just days before the first of Harry’s lawsuits against the British tabloid press is due to begin. This case may reveal more family secrets.

During a hearing in a similar case last week, Harry said in court papers that Buckingham Palace had entered into an agreement with Rupert Murdoch’s English newspapers, with the Queen’s approval, to hack phones without trial. charges can be settled. Harry said he was directed by palace staff to drop his litigation because his father wanted favors from the press.

The family drama does not end here. Charles’ brother Prince Andrew is also not expected to play any part in the ceremony. Andrew stepped down from royal duties and was stripped of military titles and protection following the revelations of his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Andrew settled a lawsuit with a woman who said she was forced to have sex with him when she was a teenager.

What is the significance of coronation?

With support for the monarchy weakening in opinion polls in recent years, this is Charles’ chance to embrace the public and show up.

Crowds are expected to throng the streets to cheer the new king, and crowds will line up outside Buckingham Palace to await his arrival on the balcony following the procession.

While criticism of the crown has been relatively muted in recent years in deference to the Queen and her decades of service to country, there is likely to be more discussion of whether the United Kingdom still needs this antiquated institution or if it should be replaced by a new one. Should become a republic with an elected head of state.

The leader of the anti-monarchy group Republic said there were plans to join up to 1,000 protesters in yellow chanting, “Not my King” as the royal procession passed.

For the vast majority, however, it will be an opportunity to celebrate being British – or to show their support for an institution that is the subject of fascination for so many people around the world.

The streets will be decorated with Confederate flags, spectators will dress in red, white and blue, and military jets will fly over in national colors spewing plumes of smoke. The pomp and circumstance of the ceremony is also reminiscent of a time when Britain was the most powerful nation in the world.

Who’s picking up the tab for the festivities?

The public is bringing the coronation bill. There is no official estimate yet on what its cost might be. Some reports estimate that it could go upwards of £100 million ($125 million). A spokesman for Buckingham Palace said on Tuesday that some estimates were “more hypothetical than others” and that the true cost would be shared at a later date.

The celebration comes as Britain grapples with a crippling cost-of-living crisis that has left many people struggling to heat their homes and put food on their tables this winter. But many people stand to benefit from the hoopla. Officials are hoping to boost tourism and there is no shortage of coronation-themed events and commemorative products that could garner additional sales taxes.

Fans wishing to commemorate the historic event can find everything from fine china to souvenir coins or cardboard masks of Charles and Camilla. Coronation themed biscuits, chocolates and beer are likely to be forgotten soon.