Amateur artist will boycott Bahurupi 2021

– R Krishna Kumar


A section of amateur theater artistes has decided to boycott the upcoming National Theater Festival Bahurupi 2021 to be organized by Rangayana.

The immediate cause of the rift between the artists is the selection of youth brigade founder Chakravarti Sulibele as one of the speakers for an event during the festival to be held in the city from December 10 to 19.

The amateur artists have not yet planned a joint protest or demonstration, but have decided in their individual capacities.

The general argument is that Chakravarti Sulibele is not associated with theater in any way and is known to harbor a specific ideology. According to one amateur artist, who expressed his displeasure over the development, “We have no problem with any of our fellow artists with differing ideologies, but Sulibele is neither an artist nor has he done anything for the cause.” have contributed.”

The issue also cropped up during the press conference and Rangayana director Adananda Cariappa was embroiled in a verbal debate with a section of journalists over the choice of speaker, who was described as a “social worker”.
