Amazon debuts CodeWhisper as an AI code-writing tool for tech workers

Amazon on Thursday announced a tool to help software developers write code, the latest such effort by the tech industry.

service is called heroine CodeWhisperer provides tips on how to program, and also scans for security and bias issues in web developers’ projects, says Swami Sivasubramaniam, vice president of Amazon’s cloud division. Told At a company convention in Las Vegas.

The recently launched CodeWhisperer by Amazon is a Machine Learning (ML)-driven service. It claims to help increase developer productivity by generating code recommendations. according to information Provided by AWS, these recommendations will be based on comments from developers in natural language and on their code in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

CodeWhisperer claims to take care of all a developer’s needs while writing code, which includes multiple programming languages, frameworks, software libraries, and popular cloud services. The algorithm picks the order by the user and chooses the best cloud service and public library suitable for the specified task. It then recommends a code snippet directly into the source code editor.

aye The algorithm is available for preview at no cost Java, JavascriptAnd Python programming languages. The service integrates with several IDEs, including JetBrains (IntelliJ, PyCharm, and WebStorm), Visual Studio Code, AWS Cloud9, and AWS Lambda Console.

In addition, developers can also shield their code using CodeWhisperer to detect vulnerabilities in their projects and build applications responsibly.

The company also announced that support for AWS Lambda Console is currently in the works and should be ready very soon.