Amazon: Oracle co-founder takes a dig at Amazon over its recent outage – Times of India

Taking a dig at the competition is nothing new Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, In Oracle’s quarterly earnings conference call on Thursday, Alison once again took a jab heroine According to a report by CNBC, Web Services indirectly on AWS’s recent outage.
For those unaware, Amazon Web Services recently shut down several websites and services, including the company’s own delivery tool.
Although Ellison didn’t specifically mention the outage, that was enough to directly link it to the recent AWS outage.
Ellison noted in a note from a telecommunications company that the main difference between Oracle and other cloud infrastructure providers is that Oracle Cloud never goes down.
Here’s what he said:
“I end with a note that I’m going to explain from a very large telecommunications company that uses our cloud and all three of the other North American clouds — Google, Amazon and Google. Microsoft, He continued, “And the note basically said that one thing we noticed about Oracle, Oracle’s cloud, is that it never goes down. We can’t say that about any other clouds.” Can. We think it’s a significant difference.”
As already mentioned, this isn’t the first time Alison has taken a dig at her rivals. As CNBC reports, the co-founder told analysts he handles databases better at Oracle than at Amazon on an earnings call in 2016. Then two years later in 2018 he said Amazon would struggle to get out of Oracle’s database. Then he again spoke out against Amazon cloud security at a conference that same year.
according to a Synergy Research Group Reportedly, Oracle is not even close to Amazon when it comes to market share. Amazon controls 33% of the global cloud infrastructure, Microsoft has 20% market share, while Google has 10%. And, there are four other companies that sit between Google and Oracle.
The same applies to revenue, with CNBC reporting that Amazon has gained a 1700% share over the past decade and Oracle has managed to triple its revenue.
