Amla for Winter Diet: 5 Reasons Why You Should Eat This Superfood During Winters

Winter is almost here and so it is time to enjoy the nippy weather, warm soils and long nights. While winter comes with many things to cherish, it also brings along many health issues including dry skin, cold and cough and other seasonal ailments. This is why experts recommend dietary changes to maintain a healthy body during the season. In such a situation, the question arises that what should be eaten in winter? One of the easiest answers is seasonal produce. This season brings with it a wide array of vegetables, leafy greens and succulent fruits that are rich in nutrients. From fresh and crunchy lettuce, carrots, beet root to sweet and juicy oranges – let your diet become colorful and healthy during winter. Another such fruit is Amla. Also called amalaki (or Indian gooseberry), it is a superfood known for its rich nutrient-profile. Amla has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times. According to KT Acharya’s book ‘Historical Dictionary of Indian Food’, amla is one of the most ancient fruits and has been “recommended by Sushruta for universal daily consumption that transcends the restrictions of body type and season”.

Consultant Nutritionist Rupali Dutta also suggests that personnel is loaded vitamin C Which is a natural antioxidant. “This means, amla protects you from the harmful effects of free radicals. Plus it nourishes you from within and strengthens the immune system.” Now let’s know why we should eat personnel during winter.

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5 reasons to include Alma in your winter diet:

1. Boosts Immunity:

Amla is loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants and helps you detox from within. This further helps in fighting the seasonal cold and boosting immune health.

2. Nourishes Skin-Health:

The antioxidants present in amla purifies the blood and helps in achieving blemish-free, nourished skin. Amla is also known to have anti-aging properties, which makes it a perfect fruit to include in your winter diet.

3. Promote Weight Loss:

Winter brings with it a pool of rich and tasty foods, which subsequently lead to weight gain. This is why it is suggested to include amla in your diet to detox and promote weight loss.

4. Promote Digestion:

Another problem people face during winter is indigestion – thanks to the heavy and hot foods that we eat throughout the day. In such a situation, amla comes to our rescue, promoting digestion and gut health.

5. Manage Diabetes:

Amla is a rich source of chromium, which is known to help our body respond to insulin. This is the reason why amla is a popular choice among diabetics; However, it cannot be taken as a substitute for diabetes medicine.

We also bring you five fun ways to include amla in your daily diet. click here to know more.

Keeping this in mind, we say to include Amla in your daily diet and enjoy a healthy and happy winter season. But remember, moderation is the key.


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