An essential sign: The Hindu editorial on COP27 UN climate meeting

COP27 should make it clear that with lost time it becomes costly to secure the future of the world

COP27 should make it clear that with lost time it becomes costly to secure the future of the world

27th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) The march is underway in the Egyptian seaside city of Sharm el-Sheikh, where over two weeks, heads of government, diplomats, business leaders, activists, journalists and lobbyists will gather. There is an effort to move forward on the global reform of energy consumption to improve the Earth’s prospects against catastrophic climate change. While every COP ends with a tough deal, the essential principle remains the same: How to make sure all countries contribute Paying for whatever is necessary to avoid the consequences of global warming without compromising economic growth, while accounting for their historical responsibility in escalating the crisis. There are many countries, especially island nations, that stand to suffer the most from global warming, with little to no role in it. Given that COP agreements are non-binding on signatory member-states, and volt-faces are not uncommon – such as the United States unilaterally exiting the agreement only to rejoin – these meetings are held for public exchange. It also serves as a platform. Countries declare their commitment to high environmental goals, but often do little to execute drastic measures, as they potentially involve political setbacks. However, COPs do work as an effective nudge. Even a decade ago, there were considerable critics of the link between global warming and climate change; Now no country challenges basic science. A fossil fuel free future is the direction the world is heading towards.

It is thus appropriate that COP27 is seen as the so-called ‘implementation CoP’, to borrow a term from the Egyptian Foreign Minister and President, COP27. Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable sources is costly and large developing countries (India, China, Brazil, South Africa) are committed to a carbon-free future, while also underlining their right to rely on fossil fuels in the interim. While there is agreement that developed countries pay the bill, much of the wrangling over determining how the bill is paid is over. India has said that the ‘Implementing COP’ should establish a transparent payment system and explain how countries already grappling with climate disasters can be compensated. It would also mean greater transparency from recipient nations on how these investments improve measuring a transition away from polluting sources. Unlike in Glasgow 2021, when a commitment to be ‘net zero’ or carbon neutral was the flavor of the season, the implementation of the COP is unlikely to result in ambitious successes. Often, however, it is unsealed and underground that gets the job done. COP27 must convey this message, loud and clear, that whether war or peace, poverty or more, securing the future of the world comes at a cost that gets more expensive with each passing day.