Ananya Panday does Shirshasana to stay fit; You can do it too

Fitness junkie Ananya Panday is known for her commitment towards a healthy lifestyle.

A video of Ananya mastering Shirshasana is recently going viral on social media. Know the benefits of this yoga pose and how Ananya did it

Ananya Panday is known for her dedication towards fitness and healthy living. When she’s not busy with work, she makes it a priority to spend time on her body, and her love for yoga is no secret. She often shares glimpses of her workout routine, inspiring her fans to follow her lead. Recently, a video of Ananya completing Yoga Shirshasana also known as Shirshasana is going viral on social media. The video was posted by her trainer Anshuka Parwani, who revealed that Ananya likes to do inversions before long night shoots to boost her endorphins.

In the video, Ananya can be seen doing Shirshasana without any support against a wall in an all-black athletic game. Initially, Anshuka can be seen helping him to straighten his posture in an inverted manner. But later, the Gehaniyaan star maintained a balanced posture on her own without any support. She remained in an inverted position for a few seconds and then smiled at the camera, admiring his dedication.

While the importance of practicing yoga for overall health does not need to be said twice, we are rarely informed that headstand helps in a number of benefits. Plus it takes less than five minutes to withdraw its rewards. With that said, let us have a look at some of the health benefits of Shirshasana.

  1. Relieve Stress: The practice of Shirshasana is commonly known as the cooling posture which helps in drawing one’s attention inward. This yoga pose is especially beneficial for individuals who are struggling with anxiety, stress, fear or other worrying thoughts.
  2. Increases blood flow: Maintaining the inverted position for some time can send oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to your head. It not only aids in better mental functioning but also enhances your focus and concentration.
  3. Helpful in hair health: Performing Shirshasana improves blood flow to your head and scalp. Hence, nutrients are provided to the hair follicles resulting in better hair health.
  4. Free Skincare: Shirshasana is also wonderful for your mental, hair and even skin health. Not many people know that an inverted position can give you a facelift by allowing your skin to hang in the opposite direction. Plus, that rush of blood to your face will give you that equally healthy glow.
  5. Strengthens your shoulders and arms: When you put your body weight on your hands every day, it uses the strength of your arms, shoulders and back, resulting in improved upper body strength and muscular endurance.

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