Ananya Singh cracks UPSC Civil Services in her first attempt, becomes an IAS officer at the age of 22

Meet Ananya Singh of Prayagraj, who has become an IAS officer at the age of just 22. She managed to clear the toughest exam – the civil services exam conducted by UPSC – after just one year of preparation. Singh has an All. Make India 51st rank.

Singh wanted to become an IAS officer since childhood. He started preparing for UPSC exam in his final year of graduation. Initially she used to study for 7-8 hours a day. Later, she fixed a study schedule of six hours. She also used to prepare for UPSC preliminary and main exam simultaneously.

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He shares his strategy after cracking the UPSC exam. He started collecting books according to the syllabus. Along with this, she also used to make hand notes. The notes had two advantages, she says—one, they were short and crunchy, which helped a lot with preparation and revision. Also, while writing notes, the answers get recorded in the mind.

Singh has always been a topper since childhood. He completed his schooling from St. Mary’s Convent School, Prayagraj. He had secured 96 per cent marks in the 10th board examination, while in class 12 he had secured 98.25 per cent. The youth has been a district topper from CISCE board in both 10th and 12th. After completing his school, Singh obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics honors from Shri Ram College of Commerce, affiliated to the University of Delhi.

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She had joined UPSC CSE in the year 2019 securing 51st rank. Singh says that after seeing the result of the government examination, he himself could not believe in his rank. He had fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming an IAS officer at the age of just 22. IAS Ananya Singh is currently posted in the West Bengal cadre.

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