Monkeypox: How to take care of yourself if you are infected with the virus

Monkeypox has become a cause for concern globally, with more than 31,000 cases reported from around 90 countries. Due to the unprecedented increase in the past few months, many people are still confused about the nature of transmission, care and related issues. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global emergency because little is known about the disease and how well the vaccine will work.

Monkeypox is spread when people come into physical contact with an infected person’s wounds, close to their clothing or sheets. Most people recover without the need for treatment, but the lesions can be extremely painful and in more severe cases there can be complications, including brain swelling and death.

First, determine if you are infected:

If you get a rash or sores on your skin, do not immediately assume that you are infected with monkeypox. First get the virus tested in a certified lab.

At present, there are 15 VRDLs, including the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune, which are equipped to test for monkeypox. Meanwhile, the Center is working on developing testing kits for monkeypox.

When to get tested?

If you think you have monkeypox-like symptoms, get tested immediately.

Some of the common symptoms associated with the disease include fever, fatigue, body aches and pains, swollen lymph nodes, rashes and sores, which eventually turn into scabs and get worse.

Here’s what to do if you are infected with monkeypox:

Isolate: If you are infected with the virus, symptoms will appear within 2 weeks. They are said to be contagious until the symptoms go away, and the rashes and sores heal. Till then it is very important to isolate.

Notify: Notify everyone and get tested who has come in close contact with you in the last 2 weeks. Here is what is defined as close contact.

– Monkeypox rash, scabs on your body, or direct contact with body fluids.

– Touching objects, clothing (clothing, bedding, or towels) and surfaces you have used.

– Contact with respiratory secretions released by you.

– engages in any sexual activity with you, including hugging, kissing or having intercourse.

Some rules to maintain when infected:

Avoid coming in contact with people, especially those in high risk groups.

Limit your contact with animals as well.

Avoid sharing items like towels, bedding, sheets, brushes, etc. with others or allowing them to use your belongings.

Wear a mask and cover your wounds.

– Wash hands frequently.

– Maintain proper hygiene

– Keep in touch with your healthcare provider

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