‘Anger ensues’ the new trend after ‘quitting the silence’ among Gen Z, here’s why Twitter is divided

Last Update: January 15, 2023, 17:43 IST

This is the reason why Twitter users oppose the use of the term ‘anger invoked’. (Representational image: KJen via Canva)

What is ‘anger enforcement’ and why is Twitter protesting the use of the term?

‘Applying anger’ is the new ‘leaving cool’ for Gen Z and Millennials. As Fortune reports, the concept was popularized by a Canadian millennial named Redwiz. “I went crazy at work, and I rage-applied to, like, 15 jobs. And then I found a job that gave me a $25,000 raise, and it’s a great place to work. So rage-applying.” Stay. It will happen,” she said in a TikTok video. This process refers to people who feel unsatisfied with their current job applying for several other jobs simultaneously in the hope of better pay. There were hundreds of other TikTokers who shared that they have landed. According to Moneycontrol, anger-application results in more lucrative jobs.

However, like Quiet Quit before, people have questioned whether or not this is a natural reaction to overworked, underpaid employees getting a new name. As one Twitter user put it, “applying anger” is a weird way of saying “looking for a better job that has some semblance of what you actually value”. Stop playing games, pay inflated wages, treat employees with dignity and respect, give them paid leave and good benefits.

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