Another blow to Congress in Goa, 8 party MLAs join BJP; Top leader Lobo, in the work list

Last Update: 14 September 2022, 11:39 IST

Eight MLAs were seen at a meeting with Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday, in visuals accessed by CNN-News18 (Image: News18)

In July, there were reports that at least six Congress MLAs, including top leaders Digambar Kamat and Michael Lobo, were planning to join the BJP.

Eight Congress MLAs from Goa are set to join the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, state BJP chief Sadanand Shet Tanawade told PTI on Wednesday. In the 40-member Goa Assembly, the Congress has 11 MLAs and the BJP has 20. In a similar move, in July 2019, 10 Congress MLAs had joined the BJP.

Eight MLAs were seen at a meeting with Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday, in visuals accessed by CNN-News18. Sources said that earlier in the day a meeting of the Congress Legislature Party was held in which eight out of the total 11 Congress MLAs passed a resolution to merge the Goa Congress Party with the BJP.

Here are the MLAs who joined BJP:

Digambar Kamati
-Michael Lobo
-Delilla Lobo
– Rajesh Faldesai
-Kedar Heroes
-Sankalp Amonkari
-Alexo Sequeira
-Rudolph Fernandes

In July, there were reports that at least six Congress MLAs, including top leaders Digambar Kamat and Michael Lobo, were planning to join the BJP. Congress then requested that Kamat and Lobo be disqualified under the anti-defection law.

At that time, the Congress managed to retain at least seven of its MLAs, while the others did not take any final steps. Besides Lobo and Kamat, Kedar Naik and Delilah Lobo, Lobo’s wife, were among the four people who did not attend an important party meeting at the time. Michael Lobo was removed from the post of Leader of Opposition by Congress. He switched from BJP to Congress party just before the elections this year.

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