Another targeted attack in Kashmir’s Kulgam, one person shot dead by terrorists

Last week, a Kashmiri Pandit was shot and injured in Shopian district. (agent)


Terrorists today killed a person in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kulgam district in what appears to be another instance of a targeted attack. Satish Kumar Singh, a driver by profession, was shot at in Kakran village of Kulgam. Police said he was seriously injured and was taken to a local hospital, but died on the way.

Officials said he was shot in the head from a point-blank range. He was declared brought dead on arrival at the hospital.

Kashmir Police tweeted, “Citizen Satesh Kumar Singh, resident of Kulgam, succumbed to his injuries in hospital. Terrorists involved in this horrific terror crime will be killed soon. Search is on for the terrorists involved.”

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah condemned the killing.

Abdullah tweeted, “I categorically condemn the attack on Satish Kumar Singh in which he lost his life. There can never be any justification for such attacks. May his soul rest in peace and may his family rest in this difficult situation.” May you have strength in time.”

Today’s attack is the latest in a series of targeted attacks on migrant workers and local minorities that have been widespread in Kashmir over the past seven months.

The targeted killings began in October, with the victims mostly migrants from outside Jammu and Kashmir who had come in search of jobs and indigenous Kashmiri Pandits.

In October, seven civilians were killed in five days – among them a Kashmiri Pandit, a Sikh and two non-local Hindus.

Shortly after, Sheikhpora – home to the minority Kashmiri Pandit community – began to resemble a ghost town, with most of the family moving out.

Last week, a Kashmiri Pandit was shot and injured in Shopian district. Earlier, five non-local laborers were shot and injured by the terrorists.

Security forces have intensified their operation and launched a massive crackdown against alleged separatist supporters.

The political ramifications of the case led the opposition Congress accusing the BJP-led Center of failing to protect the people.

The Congress said, “The situation in Jammu and Kashmir is getting worse day by day and both Kashmir and Kashmiriyat are in danger. Where is the BJP, which has been doing politics in the name of Kashmir for years, is missing these days.” had tweeted.