Apple: Apple working on ‘privacy specs’, here’s what it means – Times of India

Apple has filed a new patent for a new glass that will only let iPhone owners see content on the display. A patent application filed by Apple at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) describes it as ‘privacy glasses’ that prevent other people around you from seeing the content on your iPhone’s screen.
Patently Apple has reported that the patent application talks about a new system that can display vision-corrected graphical output and standard graphical output on an electronic device.
What makes this new patent from Apple interesting is ‘Privacy Eyewear’. Eyewear is designed to prevent others from viewing the screen content. This means that Apple’s privacy glasses will first register a user and determine corrective eyewear scenarios for the lack of vision. The display will then cooperate according to the lack of vision associated with the registered user, without the need to put in regular power glasses. Therefore, the content on the screen will not be visible to others.
Considering that Apple is already working on its own smart glasses, a feature like this could change the entire smart glasses landscape.
Apart from this, the company has also talked about custom FaceID profiles. The system, as per the patent application, will be able to create different profiles for Face ID and separate out details such as face, hairstyle, beard, mustache, glasses, no glasses, reading glasses, sunglasses, etc. Is. This feature may come in the next-Generation Face ID
Adding Face ID profile can be very helpful for users of iPhone, iPad or even both Mac (If it gets Face ID in the future). This will allow users to automatically switch user accounts, or switch Center mode, etc.
But, this is still a patent application and whether it will make its cut in the real world remains to be seen.
