Apple iPhone 16 pro leak: New phones may have THIS radical camera design | Photo

Apple Inc. is gearing up to launch iPhone 16 later this year but a plethora of leaks about the phone is already out. In the iPhone 16 lineup, the cardinal upgrades will be reportedly oriented towards the camera.

According to leaker Majin Bu, the new iPhone 16 Pro will have a new design for the camera module.

“This is literally just the safe area for producers. It’s representative of where they can’t cover.” This means it may not represent an actual change to the camera module. Personally, I think it makes a lot of sense, however, I can’t know what things really are as I haven’t seen some schematics yet, however, I will investigate it,” Majin Bu wrote citing sources.

Majin Bu also revealed the images of the iPhone 16 pro camera design.

Apple Hub account on the X platform wrote, “Apple is reportedly testing this radical new camera design for the iPhone 16 Pro”.

While it is not confirmed officially by the iPhone maker whether they will change their camera design or not, netizens have completely rejected it.

The iPhone Pro 16’s new camera design received a barrage of criticism on the X platform.

One user called the design “hideous” and added, “I hope they stick to the current design”.

Another wrote, “Eww. Don’t do this, Apple”.