Apple may plan to marry iPad with HomePod, here’s why – Times of India

Apple may plan to merge the functionality of ipad with homepod According to a Bloomberg report, by making an iPad cradle with an inbuilt speaker. The Cradle could then function without the iPad as a HomePod and as a smart home Hub with iPad mounted on a cradle.
Users can control the HomePod by issuing voice commands but if Apple wants to create a smart hub, a display will be necessary to give the user more control options. The rumored hybrid device will merge the iPad Touch Screen With HomePod. With this interface, users can be able to control HomeKit accessories via the touchscreen.
There are no hardware details at this time, but the Cradle could launch “as soon as 2023,” the report says.
Apple is also rumored to be working on the next HomePod device which could be called HomePod 2, The new HomePod is expected to be larger in size than the previous generation HomePod. According to Mark Gurman it can be announced in early 2023. In addition to the supposedly iPad cradle idea, Apple also has a separate Smart Home Hub, with a built-in display in the works as well.