Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe for children? what parents should know

Pfizer Inc. And BioNTech SE said on September 20 that their COVID-19 tests were found to be safe for use among children aged 5 to 11 and produced a stronger immune response, bringing the shots one step closer to distribution to more children. . The Food and Drug Administration has already authorized Pfizer’s vaccine for use in children 12 to 15 years old. The shot is the first to be approved for administration in a younger age group, after the FDA approved the vaccine for ages 16 and older last December. Here’s what you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines and children:

When will children get the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 64% of people 12 years of age and older in the US have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Some older people and those with weakened immune systems are also getting booster shots.

Vaccination in children aged 5 to 12 years can begin within weeks. Pfizer and BioNTech said they are sharing data from a late-stage study with US regulators and expect to file applications for authorization within a few weeks. This could mean that companies’ Covid-19 vaccines for young children have been approved between Halloween and Thanksgiving, a person familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal. Pfizer said the results of the study for young children aged 6 months to 5 years could be out by the fourth quarter of this year.

Do we need to vaccinate children?

Yes, according to most infectious disease experts. Children can and do get sick with COVID-19, although research shows they usually experience mild cases and are much less likely to be hospitalized or die from the virus than adults and the elderly. Is. Some hospitals across the country reported treating more children this summer than ever before, which the CDC said reflects the wide spread of the highly contagious Delta variant across much of the country.

In addition, scientists say children need to be vaccinated to gain community, or herd, immunity that reduces the chance of the virus spreading. Lisa Costello, pediatrician and president of the West Virginia chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said, “Vaccines give us an opportunity to really turn the tide on this pandemic, and kids and teens really need to be part of that strategy.” “

Will vaccinations be required for school?

CDC urges all school staff and eligible students to get vaccinated before the school year. Some universities are requiring students to be vaccinated when they return to campus this fall, and school districts, including New York City, are requiring teachers and staff to receive the shots. Most school districts in the country already require students to receive vaccinations for mumps, measles and rubella, as well as polio, diphtheria, and chickenpox, although many districts require pre-existing health problems or conflicting religious beliefs with mandates. Give discounts to students. Noel Elerson Ng, Associate Director of Advocacy and Governance, said, “If you’re in a district that already has a lot of vaccine requirements, I wouldn’t be surprised to see that the COVID-19 vaccine is just in line with those others.” Is.” AASA, the Association of School Superintendents, is a national umbrella group representing school districts. Some districts may require COVID-19 vaccination for just a year or two until the pandemic is over, say some other school experts.

What are the COVID-19 symptoms of children?

According to the CDC, the symptoms for children are the same as for adults. Symptoms include fever or chills, cough, loss of taste or smell, and headache. Doctors are also investigating links between COVID-19 and a rare inflammatory condition that causes abdominal pain, skin rashes and high fever. Doctors and public-health experts say they hope children will be vaccinated, part of the reason they can carry and transmit the virus even when they show no symptoms.

Are there any risks to children from the vaccine?

Doctors and vaccine experts say any vaccine comes with the risk of an adverse reaction, and COVID-19 shots are no different. So far, however, researchers have found no evidence that vaccines pose any additional or separate risks for children versus adults. According to the CDC, the most common side effects of the vaccine are flu-like symptoms such as fever, muscle aches and chills. Many recipients also experience pain or bruising in the arm after receiving the shot. In extremely rare cases, people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine have experienced severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis related to the chemicals that help package the main ingredient in Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna vaccines, A compound called mRNA. Studies also indicate that vaccines pose no safety risk to pregnant mothers or their unborn babies, and that expectant mothers can pass immune-boosting antibodies to their fetuses after receiving the shots. “Some parents will be worried about this” [Pfizer] Vaccine because it’s a new technology, but it means a lot more education has to be done on the subject,” said Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and virology specialist at Baylor University. “The safety profile looks the same for children as it is for children.” does. for adults.”

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