Are the fish in your aquarium happy? five things to watch

If 1,500 captive mammals were suffocated to death at a zoo, their suffering will spark an outcry. So when a Berlin Hotel Aquarium explosion At the end of 2022, why have so few people commented on the welfare of the fish? Aquatic species do not generate the same emotional response. And this disparity is clouding our understanding of their lives in captivity.

After decades of study in fish (that is, their ability to experience feelings and sensations), the general consensus among scientists is that fish can feel pain, Pain in humans has a significant emotional component, and the same appears to be true in fish, which are also capable worry and fear, This, along with convergent evidence that fish can perform complex tasks Involving tools and problem solving, puts them on a par with other vertebrates.

Fish are the third most popular pet in the UK, and account for 9% of the population owns at least one, trade in ornamental fish very bigMillions of people are removed from their natural habitats every year.Mainly in Asia and the South Pacific) and are mainly shipped to the aquarium in America and Europe,

However, the attitude towards fish is somewhat cooler in comparison with other species. Considering fish as food, surveys have constantly found that people are the least concerned about the welfare of fish among other farmed species. This may be because fish diverged from our evolutionary path a long time ago.

But all that distance vanishes when you find yourself with a water-breathing partner. If you are thinking of buying a pet fish, Five If you want to keep your new friend happy, then what are the things to keep in mind?

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Many people feed their fish food that is not Appropriate for species. Many people struggle with feeding fish food that is meant for their species. For example, keepers of tropical fish and goldfish in the same tank will find that tropical fish prefer high-protein snacks such as bloodworms or brine shrimp, but very high-protein bad for goldfish,

You can feed your fish the right food but neglect to adjust the amount according to the size and age of the fish in your aquarium. There will be stiff competition for food in the tank, especially in large groups, meaning smaller fish may go without.


Fish produce a lot of waste, and ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels can build up quickly in tank water. There are monitoring devices that can tell you if the water quality in your tank is safe, but evidence suggests that Many hobbyists do not follow the guidelines.

And then there’s the light. Fish sleep too – in fact, their Sleep patterns are similar to humans, Fish need a defined dark period to rest, so whatever you do, don’t keep the lights on 24 hours a day.


Do you know how to identify an injured or sick fish? If not, you are not alone. Fish are some of the most underestimated pets, even among professionals,

Injuries are common in home aquariums as fish hierarchy and fight Bacterial infections or parasites may also be present but may be difficult to detect. It is important to catch a disease early so that infected fish can be quarantined and treated to prevent the spread. Often a fish rubs itself on the tank while trying to remove parasitesThere is a strong suggestion that it is unhealthy.

normal behavior

What is normal behavior in a fish is difficult to ascertain. But one of the most important questions to ask yourself is whether the fish’s natural group structure or environment can be reflected in the tank.

If your fish are a shoaling species (meaning, they organize themselves into tight formations called shoals) they prefer to live in groups. For example, zebra danios should be kept in groups of at least six of their own species. There is a delicate balance, however: overcrowding will lead to aggression as the fish compete for food and space, while too few fish will prevent them from swimming.

At a minimum, the tank should be large enough to allow the fish to swim freely and have enough shelter (plants, or a small submerged umbrella to hide under) so they can have a chance to be alone if they so desire.

fear or distress

There are many ways in which a fish can live in fear. Some fish may be routinely bullied by larger tankmates, which becomes a pain when there is no place to hide.

Fish are also sensitive to things outside their tank. For example, is the tank near a hot radiator or an open window? Is it bothered by the vibration from a nearby washing machine? All these factors can create fear and distress.

If you’re planning on keeping fish and keeping an aquarium at home, it may seem like there’s a lot of work involved. But hopefully this list goes to show that just like other pets, fish have complex needs—even if you can’t take them for a walk.

matt parkerSenior Lecturer in Neuroscience and Sleep Science, University of Surrey

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