Are you constipated? These natural home remedies may help

Constipation is a common problem faced by people of all age groups. Apart from just making you feel full, this problem can bother you in many other ways as well. It affects your system, mood and thus, basically, everything you do. Some common reasons behind constipation could be not consuming enough fibrous foods (including fruits and vegetables), not drinking enough water, stress and not exercising among others. Many people immediately go to the doctor to deal with this problem. However, you may not always need to seek the help of medicines. Sometimes it can also be treated with home remedies. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra shared a post on Instagram listing effective home remedies for constipation.

In the caption, she mentioned, “Constipation is one of the most common gut health problems which can be overcome only by correcting your lifestyle. Sharing some combinations that help in relieving constipation:”

Here are some home remedies to relieve constipation:

1) Curd + Flaxseed Powder: The health expert added that yogurt contains a strain of friendly bacteria, or probiotics, called Bifidobacterium lactis, which helps regulate the digestive system. Whereas, flax seeds are a rich source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, which makes stool softer and easier to pass.

(Also Read: What to eat and what not to eat for constipation in children,

Flaxseed powder can be a great home remedy for constipation. Photo: iStock

2) Amla Juice: It is good to drink about 30 ml of gooseberry juice mixed with a glass of water first thing in the morning. It helps in promoting digestion and reducing constipation.

3) Oat bran: Oat bran is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which may help relieve constipation and support bowel health.

4) Ghee + Milk: You should know that ghee is a rich source of butyric acid which improves intestinal metabolism and helps in bowel movement Diarrhea, So, how can you consume it? Just before sleeping, take a cup of warm milk mixed with 1 teaspoon of ghee. This is an effective way to reduce constipation the next morning.

5) Leafy Greens: Everyone is aware of the importance of green vegetables in our diet. They are loaded with broccoli and promote digestion. Greens like spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are rich in fiber and serve as great sources of folate and vitamins C and K. These greens help to add bulk and weight to stools, making them easier to pass through the bowel.

6) Water: This is the first thing you should consider when suffering from constipation. drink lots of water liquid Consumption may improve constipation, especially when consumed with a high-fiber diet.

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