Are you in a one sided relationship? Steps That Can Help You Move On

Such a relationship can harm your mental health and sour your affection. (Image: shutterstock)

One sided relationships can be extremely taxing and it is advisable to get out of them as soon as possible

A romantic relationship is based on closeness, company, and support for each other. In an ideal relationship, partners support each other in times of crisis and try to solve problems together. If this is not the case in your relationship, then you may need to reconsider your bond.

One-sided relationships, where you’re making an effort to be there for your partner who doesn’t seem as invested in the relationship as you are are discouraging. Such a relationship can harm your mental health and sour your affection. Therefore it is in your own interest to get out of such relationships. But if you are wondering how, we are here to help- Here are some ways you can move on from a one sided relationship-

  1. Be honest when planning to end a relationship. Instead of abruptly cutting yourself off from your partner, tell them why you no longer want to be in the relationship. Talk about issues of incompatibility and how you feel when you are with them.
  2. If you and your partner have joint bank accounts, insurance policies or other financial documents. Start by segregating your accounts and ensure that you don’t fall into any trap and lose money in the future.
  3. You should start focusing on other goals in life. When you are in a one-sided relationship, your life and your thoughts become very congested. Gradually refocusing your attention on pursuing a career or spending time with your family can help you recover from the after effects of a breakup. It will also help you revive yourself after you have spent your effort and time to heal the bond with your partner.
  4. Seek the help of a mental health professional to help you regain your confidence and get over the breakup. In most one-sided relationships, people become dependent on their partner or try to force them to get their attention. As a result, they put their self-esteem at stake. Seeking therapy can help you gain confidence in your abilities and create a better life for yourself.

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