Armed pregnant woman in US saves her family, shoots attacker in parking garage

By India Today World Desk: An armed pregnant woman saved her family when she shot an attacker while they were packing up in a parking garage in Arkansas in the United States.

The family, hailing from Memphis in Tennessee, were in Little Rock City in Arkansas to celebrate their daughter’s seventh birthday, Fox News affiliate KLRT-TV reported.

The father, his wife and their two daughters were packing up in the River Market parking garage and preparing to leave the city when they were attacked. According to the report, the man was hit several times and pinned to the ground by another man.

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The wife was attacked by a second suspect. “Just a fractured rib and my wife has a couple of knots on her forehead where he apparently punched her,” the father said.

Despite receiving blows, the woman pulled out a gun and managed to shoot the person in the neck before calling 911. The suspect who was shot is receiving treatment at a hospital while the second one fled.

The woman’s husband said such attacks would not deter them from coming back to Little Rock, saying they like to travel.

“We live in Memphis and this kind of happens to people here all the time. So, I mean it’s not something we are going to let shine down or shadow down on our lives because we do like to travel,” he said.

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