Artist Shares AI-Generated Party Pics, Internet Says ‘Thankfully These Creepy People Don’t Exist’

The Twitter post has garnered over 15,000 likes and nearly 30 million views.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) trend has taken over social media platforms and has become the latest viral craze. Now, bucking the trend, Twitter user Miles shared some visuals generated by AI platform Midjourney, showing normal but terrifying photos of people who apparently don’t exist, attending a house party.

“Midjourney is getting crazy powerful – none of these are real photos, and none of these people exist,” Miles wrote in the caption of his post.

see below:

The images appear to depict funny, candid moments at a house party. It shows realistic looking faces of people and first of all the pictures also look real. However, upon closer inspection, party-goers can be found to have missing and insensitive body parts that do not exist in the real world.

In one photo, which shows two young women posing with a digital camera, the hands of the woman taking the photo are mutilated. In another photograph, two women are holding a Polaroid camera and more fingers are emerging from the photographer’s hand. Many of the people in the collection of images also have too many teeth in their mounts, and one was missing a finger on its thumb.

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In the same Twitter thread, Miles also shared another set of AI-generated pictures of him, this time all men. In the caption of the post, he revealed that men have to be very specific when trying to create AI-generated figures.

“I had to be specific to get the AI ​​people to look male—and even then, variation is a challenge. When you ask for ‘people’ it definitely defaults to white people.”

Pictures of male party-goers also showed the same problem with finger counts. In one picture, the hand of a man holding a red cup was completely separated from his body.

Miles shared the post on Friday and it has since collected more than 15,000 likes and nearly 30 million views.

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One user wrote in the comments section, “Pretty soon, the only way to tell will be to count fingers. 5 and it’s real, 6 and it’s questionable, 7 and it’s definitely AI-generated.” Another said, “More ways to create unrealistic body types, and more for women to feel pressured.”

A third user commented, “It’s too bad that AI image generators do not, in fact, create art, and will never be a replacement for a real person,” while a fourth joked, “All of those With fingers and teeth, we should be thankful that these scary people don’t exist.”

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