As a ‘Diwali gift’ to the state, the Punjab government decided to restore the old pension scheme for its employees

Last Update: 21 October 2022, 15:12 IST

CM Mann said lakhs of employees will benefit from the old pension scheme (File picture: PTI)

The restoration of the old pension scheme, which was discontinued in 2004, has been one of the major demands of the state government employees.

The Punjab government on Friday took an in-principle decision to restore the old pension scheme for its employees. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has decided to implement the old pension scheme as a Diwali gift after the state cabinet meeting here.

“We have taken an in-principle decision to this effect in the cabinet meeting. This will benefit lakhs of employees…we are bringing Punjab under the old pension scheme.’ Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema said that the employees will be given the option to join the old pension scheme.

Mann had said a month ago that his government was considering reinstating the scheme for government employees. The restoration of the old pension scheme, which was discontinued in 2004, has been one of the major demands of the state government employees.

In August last year, a senior leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, Cheema had promised that the old pension system would be restored if the party came to power in Punjab.

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