Atta with post lentil kitchen recipes, now make as usual – Watch Viral Video

Dough with milk kitchen dishes by the groom

The most distinctive feature of the skin of the face. On this day the bride and groom start their new life on the foundation of love, trust and cooperation. Dilli Khiladi of the player after the game on social media… Roti ki roti pakana ki roti (to cook the bride’s bread) in the video. The creation was thought to prepare the newly wed bride afresh for a new life and the creation of her new family. Called ‘the first kitchen’.

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Variety has been included in this video, where they are the new members of their family. The bride is seen using a roller to make roti. . The groom blushes next to the groom. in video


Share this video to @SophiaZarin on this video. The caption accompanying the video reads, The same #tradition in the village will help the bride in the “bread” of the occupant. Facebook like this

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