Ayurveda: Ayurveda Veterinary Medicine will be started. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation has started a project for production and supply of Ayurveda Veterinary drugs for the treatment of commonly found animal diseases. Implemented in association with Ayurveda drug maker Kerala Ayurvedic Cooperative Society, it aims to reduce input cost on dairy farmers and promote production of high quality milk free from antibiotic residue.
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Minister, Jay ChinchuraniInaugurated the Exchange of Production Agreement between the Malabar Regional Co-operative Milk Producers Union (MRCMPU) and KACS in a function milma building, The minister also handed over production licenses from the Drug Control Department to both the parties.
He said the project to reduce animal treatment cost is an important step by Milma to help dairy farmers. “The cost of cattle treatment is one of the biggest problems facing dairy farmers. Even for the treatment of common diseases like mastitis, they have to spend Rs 2,000 to Rs 4,000.
The minister said that the plus-side of Ayurveda is that it does not have any side-effects. The initial set of medicines included Masticure for Mastitis, Pyrex Care for Fever, Dior End for Diarrhoea, Crack Heel for Teat Disorders, To heal all types of Cuts and Wounds, Rheumatoid for Indigestion, Acidity and Flatulence. Contains milk latte for inducing. lactation, and Fly Repel, a flea repellent.