Ayurveda: Your Guide to Eating Right in 2023 – What to Eat and When, View Details

One of the central principles of Ayurveda is that no two people are alike, and no two people have exactly the same nutritional needs. Because of this there is no “one-size-fits-all” Ayurvedic diet. The optimal diet is determined by a person’s constitution, which is sometimes called “dosha type” or “mind-body type” according to Ayurveda. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three doshas. The doshas are mind-body forces that control all aspects of how our bodies operate, including how our bodies look, how powerful our digestion is, and how our thoughts and words flow.

eat unprocessed and whole foods

The Ayurvedic diet states that increasing prana is the best way to increase ojas, the source of life force in the body. Foods rich in prana come straight from the earth. His Prana is the result of the fusion of the energies of the Sun, Water and Earth. One of the whole foods you can include are almonds. Ayurveda attaches great importance to almonds for their nutritional value and ability to balance Vata. When used in food preparation, almond is known to be a rejuvenating, tonic and nourishing nutraceutical product (functional food). It was also mentioned in many compound medicinal formulations having medicinal effects in ancient Indian systems of medicine. Almonds can be beneficial in case of gonorrhea. Ayurveda classifies obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome as clinical disorders that together form the prameha syndrome. Almonds can be consumed to treat complications of diabetes such as weakness and debility.

Make dinner your lightest meal and lunch your heaviest

Your digestive fire is at its peak in the afternoon when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Consequently, according to Ayurveda, you should eat your largest meal of the day in the afternoon, when your internal fire is blazing and you are more likely to be able to digest and assimilate the food. Eat a light, well-prepared meal at least three hours before bedtime, and aim to go to bed at or before 10:00 p.m. -Timed “rest and repair” cycles.

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follow the 70-30 rule

In our families, we have been taught to finish everything on our plate, but as per Ayurvedic wisdom, you should eat only till you are satisfied. It’ll be enough when you start belching! Be careful not to overeat or consume small amounts that leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied. Always eat between 70 percent and 8 percent of your hunger to continue to mix and digest food properly. The 70-30 rule, which states that your stomach should be 70 percent full and 30 percent empty, should always be followed.

(Dr. Nitika Kohli, Ayurveda specialist)