Baking Soda to Oil Spray: 5 easy ways to clean up a musty blanket

Image Source : GOOGLE 5 easy ways to clean up a musty blanket

Blankets are our cosy companions during chilly nights, but over time, they can develop a musty smell that detracts from their comfort. Whether it’s due to storage in damp conditions or just regular use, getting rid of that musty odour is essential for enjoying your blanket to the fullest. By using baking soda to oil spray, you can keep your blankets smelling fresh and feeling cosy all year round. Say goodbye to musty odours and hello to a renewed sense of comfort with these simple tips! Here are five simple ways to clean and refresh your blanket.

Machine Wash with Vinegar

One of the most effective ways to eliminate musty odours from a blanket is by washing it in a mixture of vinegar and water. Start by filling your washing machine with cool water and adding one cup of white vinegar. Place the blanket in the machine and let it soak for about 15-20 minutes. Then, run the washing machine through a regular cycle. The vinegar helps to neutralise odours and leaves your blanket smelling fresh.

Baking Soda Odour Absorption

Baking soda is a natural deodoriser that can work wonders on musty blankets. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the surface of the blanket, making sure to cover it completely. Let the baking soda sit for several hours, preferably overnight, to allow it to absorb the odours. Then, shake off the excess baking soda and either vacuum the blanket or wash it as usual. This method not only removes odours but also helps to soften the fabric.

Sunlight and Fresh Air

Sometimes, all your blanket needs is a little fresh air and sunshine to banish that musty smell. Hang your blanket outside on a clothesline or lay it flat in a sunny spot for a few hours. The UV rays from the sun will naturally disinfect the fabric and eliminate odours. Additionally, the fresh air will help to freshen up the fibres. Just be sure to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as it may cause fading.

Essential Oil Spray

Create your natural fabric spray using essential oils to refresh your blanket between washes. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of your favourite essential oil, such as lavender or lemon. Shake the bottle well to combine the ingredients, then lightly mist the blanket with the spray. The pleasant aroma of the essential oils will help to mask any lingering odours while leaving behind a fresh scent.

Dryer Sheet Trick

If you’re short on time and need a quick fix, try using dryer sheets to freshen up your blanket. Place the blanket in the dryer along with a couple of dryer sheets and run it on a low heat setting for about 10-15 minutes. The heat will help to release the scent from the dryer sheets, which will transfer to the blanket, leaving it smelling clean and fresh.

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