Banana peels make cookies healthier and tastier – researchers reveal

Zero-waste cooking has been a part of gastronomy for years. This has come to our attention recently, during the months-long lockdown in 2020 and 2021. Today, we believe in optimum utilization of every food ingredient, enjoying the benefits to the fullest. One such versatile food ingredient is banana. From its leaves to flowers, every part of the banana tree is used for cooking. But have you ever tried eating banana peels? You heard us A new study finds that banana peels can now be included in our daily diet in the most delicious way possible. The findings were published in the journal ACS Food Science and Technology.

Read also: Not just the fruit, you can use every part of the banana plant to make delicious food.

How to eat banana peels:

Banana peels usually find their place in our dustbins or are used as compost for gardening. But, a group of researchers recently found that these peels can now replace pork in ‘pulled pork’ sandwiches. You can also fry the peels and turn them into vegetarian ‘bacon’.

He is not everything. You can turn the peel into flour and add sugar to cookie batter to make cookies healthier. It was found that “some cookies enriched with banana peel flour were more satisfying than those baked with wheat flour alone”.

For making banana Peel the flour, the researchers peeled ripe, undamaged bananas and then blanched them, dried and ground the skins into a fine powder. Then they mixed the flour with butter, skim milk powder, powdered sugar, vegetable oil and wheat flour; And finally the baked batch of sugar cookies.

Why include banana peels in the diet:

Scientists found that the peels, when ground into flour, become rich in nutrients. The important nutrients included in banana peel flour are fiber, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants and more.

According to a report published on the official website of the American Chemical Society, researchers found that “increasing the amount of banana peel flour by 0 to 15% produced browner and tougher products, the result of an increase in fiber content.” In addition, cookies made from banana peel flour were healthier, with less fat and protein, higher amounts of phenols, and better antioxidant activities than conventional ones.

Would you like to try one of these banana peel cookies? Do let us know in the comments below.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.