Bangalore University starts 4-year BA, BSc courses from this academic year

Bangalore University has announced that it is starting a four-year Honors course for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees from the academic year 2021-22. The new curriculum follows the objectives of the National Policy on Education (NEP).

University Vice-Chancellor Professor KR Venugopal said in a statement that the courses will have provisions for multiple entries and multiple exits. He said that the courses are skill-based, choice-based and cross-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary in nature which will provide students with a choice of electives in all subjects as per the objectives of the new NEP.

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Professor Venugopal, the four-year courses will have an option to exit at the end of every year.

“Students who want to exit in the first year can obtain a certificate in Arts/Science, on exit in the second year they will receive a diploma, on exit in the third year they will get a degree and after successful completion of four years. Will get to the end. He needs BA/BSc Honours,” the statement read.

The students have the provision to continue their education up to post-graduation as well as PhD, the vice-chancellor said. He further said that students can specialize in a particular subject or do research for one year after completing three years degree.

Read also: DU to implement 4-year undergraduate program from next year: 10 marks

Professor Venugopal said that the BA Honors course is in core subjects like History, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Mass Communication and Journalism and smaller subjects like Psychology, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Women’s Studies and electives in Science, Engineering. , Commerce and Management.

For a Science degree, students can opt for a combination of core subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science and electives from Arts, Commerce and Management subjects.

To get admission in Science subject, students have to study Mathematics at 10+2 (Pre-University level). Professor Venugopal said that the initial admission for each of the BA and BSc courses is 30 seats.

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