Beat the heat with this Kulfi Recipe by Chef Kunal Kapoor

Summer is the season for chopping up on frozen desserts. When the heat gets tough to beat, this time of year, kulfi immediately comes to our rescue. We all have grown up eating different types of kulfis during the summer season. In addition to its taste, there is also a sense of nostalgia associated with this particular delight. Smooth, butter-like and sweet kulfis are bound to lift the mood well on a dull and tiring day. A delicious Kulfi after a perfect dinner gives us a complete dining experience. So, have you started thinking about Kulfi? Celebrity chef Kunal Kapoor has shared a delicious recipe of Malai Kulfi on Instagram.

(Also read: What goes into making a perfect bowl of kidney beans? Celebrity chef Kunal Kapoor shares tips,


1) Milk (Full Cream)

2) sugar

3) Cardamom powder (optional)

4) Pistachios – a handful

how to prepare Malai Kulfi,

1) Take a pan and pour full cream milk in the given quantity. Now, cook it more and you can use a ladle if you want.

2) Whatever quantity of milk you take, cook it till it remains in one third quantity. After boiling, wait until it thickens.

3) Once you get the desired consistency, remove it from the stove and add sugar, cardamom powder and a handful of pistachios.

4) Fill the kulfi molds one by one. Place the filled molds in the deep freezer.

5) When they are semi-frozen, insert one stick respectively into all the molds. Again, put them in the deep freezer. Now, wait till it freezes completely. As a last step, dip them one by one in normal water and just rub them with your hands. Finally, when you take them out of the moulds, you will get kulfi.

(Also read: Watch: Chef Kunal Kapoor shows how to make Zarda Pulao with leftover sugar syrup,

6) If you want, you can decorate your kulfi with almonds and pistachios.

Take a look:

don’t forget to treat yourself kulfi Share the happiness this summer and with your family too.