Beating the groom’s feet for spitting: Strange wedding traditions around the world – Times of India

There are many strange traditions around the world, especially when it comes to weddings. If you think marrying a tree or a dog is weird in India, wait until you read about what happens in countries like South Korea, Germany, Kenya, Scotland, France, Malaysia and Indonesia! So sit down with some popcorn and scroll down to know some of the weirdest wedding traditions followed by people in the world.

face and body darkening

Image Courtesy: Instagram

Yes, unlike us Indians, there is a tradition in Scotland where the bride and groom’s friends darken the couple with molasses, soot, feathers and flour. They are then made to be paraded through the streets which is actually to drive away evil spirits!

spitting on daughter
Sounds gross but it happens! In Kenya, among the Masai people, the father of the bride spits on his daughter’s head and breasts before moving into the new home. It is seen as a symbol of good luck and fortune.

smashing crockery

smashing crockery

Image Courtesy: Instagram

While having a plate makes it a pain to break even beautiful crockery, Germany has its own way of wishing the newlyweds. Wedding guests meet at the bride’s home where they break crockery, a tradition said to bring good luck to the bride and groom. This tradition is called Polterbend. That’s not it! The couple then cleans up the mess together, which means they will always work together and face all challenges as lifelong partners.

beating the groom’s feet

Sounds very painful indeed but South Korean grooms have to bear it if they want to take their new wives home! The family of the groom or friends have to take off the shoes of the groom and tie his ankles with a rope. Then they alternately beat his feet with a stick or dry fish. It is considered more enjoyable than punishment (they don’t have to draw blood). This tradition is basically to test a man’s strength and the constant questioning during the beating is a sign of his character.

serving leftovers

serve leftovers

Image Courtesy: Instagram

According to French customs, the newlyweds were first served food and drink left over in a chamber vessel by a guest to give the couple the energy of the wedding night. But now, it has been changed over the years. Now they are given a mixture of chocolate and champagne.

No bathroom for 3 days straight

Yes, you read that right! In Malaysia and Indonesia, Tidong people in Borneo do not allow couples to use the bathroom for 3 straight days or even leave the house after the wedding. There is actually a guard who keeps an eye on them and they may consume small amounts of food and drink to survive. This is done for good fortune and for the prevention of breakage or death of their unborn children.

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