Beauty Routine: Applying curd on the face gives the desired glow, know 6 tremendous benefits for the skin

1) serves as a starter

If you feel that you have lost the glow from your skin, then you can apply curd on the face as it acts as a great moisturizer. Dabs of curd on your face can help you to get blemish free, soft and supple skin. Take some curd and add honey to it. It blends well on your face. Let it stay for about 15 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

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2) Sunburn relief information

When the illuminating rays come in contact with our skin, they affect the body layer and make them look dull and tanned. That’s why sometimes severe sunburns can also lead to rashes and blisters. You can get some relief by freezing the affected spots. This is because curd is full of wonders and has anti-inflammatory properties.

3) Has a problem with acne

Curd should be your favorite remedy to prevent acne on our skin as it is rich in anti-inflammatory and properties. Applying curd on the acne prone area will reduce it.

To maintain the balance of all hormones in the body, you will do these 6 things, you will never fall ill.

4) Lightens Dark Circles

To get rid of those dark circles, take some fresh curd and dab under your eyes and let it stay for 10 minutes. When this is done, wash your eyes with cold water.

To make weak bones strong, these flours become strong everyday, beliefs become like thunderbolts!

5) wrinkles

Yogurt is one of the best ingredients to include in your skincare routine. The lactic acid in yogurt helps prevent breakouts and soothes your skin. Curd is rich in the properties of Vitamin D, which helps fight congestion. It allows the skin to remain soft and supple for a long time.

6) Fine Lines

Fine lines are just the beginning of your aging process which adds up and changes. Fine lines form on your face when your facial muscles contract over and over again.

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Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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