Ben Foster, Justice Smith, Katherine Waterston to lead thriller ‘Floodplane’

Justice Smith | photo credit: Vianney Le Carré

Hollywood actors Ben Foster, Justice Smith and Katherine Waterston are all set to star in an upcoming thriller film titled floodplain,

Filmmaker Tim Sutton will direct the project, which will also star Maria Bakalova, best known for her performance in borat next moviefilm And body body body,

According to deadlineThe film explores themes of family trauma, environmental justice, and race through the story of a man (Foster) who must return to his hometown to help stop a catastrophic flood and confront the mistakes of his past.

floodplain The theme is supported by Studio. It features a script by Bill Gullo. The film will also be produced by Jordan Horowitz of Original HQ along with Annie Marter. Ryan Heller, Michael Bloom and Jennifer Westin will executive produce for Topic Studios.