Benefits of eating seasonal fruits and vegetables

Nature has its own way of working and to ensure that our body is able to withstand every weather and changing weather, seasonal fruits and vegetables are available. Clinical Dietitian and PCOD expert Kajal Aggarwal says, “In every season nature gives us foods to cope with the changes. For example, in summers it provides us with watery fruits and vegetables that quench our thirst and prevent dehydration. Let’s help.” Seasonal fruits ensure that we stay well-nourished throughout the year by consuming the best that the season has to offer.

There are many benefits of eating seasonal fruits and vegetables. They are not only good for our taste buds, but they also have many health benefits. Dietitian Kajal Aggarwal tells us the benefits of seasonal fruits and vegetables:

Seasonal produce is fresh and delicious

“When produce is in season, it’s harvested at peak ripeness, which means it’s fresher and tastier than out-of-season produce. That’s because in-season fruits and vegetables make it easier to reach your local grocery store.” They don’t have to travel long distances to reach. or a farmer’s market. They are often picked and sold within a few days, which means they retain their flavor and nutritional value,” says Agarwal.

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Seasonal produce is more nutritious

Seasonal produce has higher amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants than non-seasonal produce, says Agarwal. “That’s because the longer produce stays on a shelf or warehouse, the more nutrients it loses. By eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, you can make sure you’re getting the most nutrients from your food.” are,” she adds.

seasonal produce is more affordable

When produce is in season, it is available in abundance, meaning it is often cheaper than out-of-season produce. Shopping for seasonal fruits and vegetables at your local farmers market or grocery store can help you save money on your grocery bill, says Agarwal.

How to include seasonal fruits and vegetables in the diet

“You can include seasonal produce in the diet by including a bowl of fruits or vegetables in the diet two hours before any meal or two hours after the meal. are mild to as well as fulfilling in nature. Also, they perfectly fulfill the additional nutritional requirements,” says Kajal Aggarwal.

She says that fresh vegetable juice can also be taken. Although fruit juice is also an option, it is recommended to either drink it in moderation or avoid it altogether, as it will spike your sugar levels immediately.

In conclusion, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables can provide many benefits that can help you maintain optimal nutrition. By planning your meals, trying new recipes, and making snacks from seasonal produce, you can support your health. while enjoying the flavors of the season and the environment,” says Agarwal.