BENGALURU: Midnight kid turns 75 today, ready for celebration time. Bengaluru News – Times of India

Bangalore: Four Joseph Jayaraji15 August is doubly special: it is both India’s independence day and his birthday. On top of this, he was born exactly at midnight on August 15, 1947 – a rare moment of birth that not many people can boast of.
sage’s Pilana Garden at home lingarajapuram One is preparing for Mega Monday as tricolor decorations adorn its interiors. His two children and only grandson will be present on the occasion. “This year is very special as we are celebrating India’s 75th independence anniversary apart from our 75th birthday,” said Jayarajiwho has recently recovered from a stroke.

He said the opportunity has made him feel six years old. The third child of A Joseph and Abhisheki, Jayaraj was born at St Philomena’s Hospital in Vivek Nagar as a new India was declaring that it was time to fulfill its promise with destiny.
“My mother told me stories about the day I was born. As soon as we broke free, she could hear fireworks and sloganeering celebrating in the streets near the hospital. She remembered that three days after my birth, the Bangalore collector came to the hospital and gave my mother Rs 1,000, wishing her Independence Day. My dad managed to easily settle all the maternity bills with unexpected rewards,” laughs Jayaraj.
invited to school festival
Jayaraj throughout his life has amazed most of the people who have heard about his date and time of birth. Following in the footsteps of his father, who joined ITC in 1969, who worked there as a mechanic, “I have given some people the same date of birth, but not the time.” Now retired, Jayaraj is very happy to celebrate the special day of himself and the country with his children and grandchildren. Relatively famous in his Pillanna Garden area for his rare date of birth, he has been invited to attend the Independence Day celebrations held at a nearby school on Monday.