Bennett University: The magical world of full stack development – Times of India

Students are offered the full stack as expertise at Bennett University to understand industry trends to accelerate the processes of design, development and deployment of products.
Dr. Mohit Agarwal

Full stack developers are in high demand in the software industry because they have knowledge of both front-end and back-end development, which helps them understand and deliver projects without the need for large teams, enabling companies to reduce costs. It helps a lot. , Almost every industry needs this technology because they have live web-based projects running on PC or mobile, and hence, full stack developers are in high demand all over the world.


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There are tremendous job opportunities in this specialization; All top MNCs like Google, Amazon, Infosys, TCS, Microsoft, etc need full stack developers, and an entry level person can earn more than Rs 10-20 lakhs annually in major MNCs; An added advantage is that they can easily do their work even from the premises of their home. Many start-ups are also growing in this area which does not require any major infrastructure; Skilled persons can start low investment institutions and earn huge profits. There is great promise in the future as well, given that it will remain in the job market and demand will not decrease even with changes in technology in the future.

Full Stack is offered as a specialization at Bennett University – equipped with all tools/software and hardware – and aims to help students understand industry trends to accelerate the processes of design, development and deployment of products Is. It follows a problem-based approach and offers server-side back-end programming skills as well as front-end programming tools, frameworks, and libraries.

The expertise available for Full Stack electives are Front-end Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap, Front-end Web UI Frameworks, and Tools: React, Mobile App Development with React Native, and Application Development with Cloud Platform, among many others. Curriculum in full stack courses at Bennett University includes database knowledge of PHP, Java, Django, HTML, CSS, Nodejs, Express, React programming languages, and popular databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc.

These skill sets will enable the students to develop complete web-based solutions with both front-end and back-end programming and database connectivity and be successful in any leading company apart from serving the nation in projects critical to our growth . Participating students will not only get decent salaries, but will also climb the organizational ladder faster by attaining the positions of technical architects – which can take a long time in other technical domains.

A unique feature of Bennett University is that it not only helps its students learn this skill set, but also offers internships to students from other universities to gain practical knowledge of the latest skills in this field. A Full Stack Club formed at Bennett University allows students to exchange ideas and creativity, and a semester-wise workshop is also planned to inspire new entrants and expose them to the exciting world of Full Stack development has been created.

(The author is an assistant professor at Bennett University)