Bhai Dooj 2022: 5 Unique Recipes That Your Siblings Will Love

The festival of Bhai Dooj celebrates the special bond between brothers and sisters. On this day sisters apply Tikka On the forehead of our brothers and pray for their long and healthy life. Brothers shower their sisters with gifts in return. If you want to make the day even more special for your siblings, then why not prepare some unique meals that are not boring and at the same time surprise them as well as impress them. We’ve figured out some easy recipes that will help you serve your loved ones some extravagant, almost delicious food, and make the festival more fun for the whole family.

(Also read: 5 Easy Dessert Recipes for Bhai Dooj Festival,

Here are 5 unique recipes for Bhai Dooj festival:

1. French Omelette:

Start the day with a big surprise. Make this unique French Omelette for your brother or sister and start the celebrations with a cheerful atmosphere. The French omelet requires minimal ingredients and is light as air. Click here for the recipe,

French omelet is very easy to make. Image: iStock

2. Tadka Bread Snack

Enjoy your feast with this quick bread made breakfast. Just roast some spices, add curd and lemon juice and finally add in bread crumbs to make a delicious snack. Click here for the recipe,

3. Baked Potatoes

Skip the usual french fries and aloo tikkis, and use simple potatoes to make cheesy baked potatoes that taste great and taste even better. click here for easy Baked Potatoes Recipe,

4. Bread Pizza

If your siblings love pizza, then they have to be specially made with love from their favorite food. If you’re a hobbyist in the kitchen, pick up this recipe and you won’t go wrong with it. Click here for the Bread Pizza recipe.

5. 5-Min Sunday

If you don’t want to serve a regular sweet on Bhai Dooj, you can quickly make a fancy dessert with this recipe. It really takes just five minutes to put together this 5-minute sundae. Have vanilla ice cream, strawberries (or any other fruit of your choice), almonds and chocolate, and start over this recipe.


Make Bhai Dooj 2022 a memorable one with foods that will make it a fun affair. And we guarantee you’ll have tons of fun making them.

About Neha GroverHis love for reading sparked his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping coffee.