Bhubaneswar: Stray cat injured 25 people in 24 hours, panic spread in the area. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

BHUBANESWAR: Most of us take a few steps back as soon as a cat crosses our path. And if it’s a black cat, then that route should be avoided. Here this black cat has not only crossed the path but has also injured many people by scratching and biting them.
Stray cat bitten more than 25 people in the district Shastri Nagar Panic has spread among the residents in the city area in the last 24 hours. Volunteers of the local youth union launched a campaign to capture the black cat.
“I went to the terrace on Wednesday evening to get dry clothes. It was already dark. Before I could see it or sound the alarm, the black cat suddenly jumped on my leg and bit me. I cleaned the wound and applied some antiseptic but was confused whether I should go to the hospital or not,” said Sujata Malikiresident of Shastri Nagar Lane No-1,
The stray cat has been attacking people for the last two days and has bitten many children and women of the locality. Due to the fear of the cat, people are carrying sticks while leaving the house.
“I went out to call my younger brother who was playing in the street, the cat attacked me from behind and scratched my leg and ran away. There is a lot of bleeding and pain in it. My father took me to the nearest hospital,” said twinkle risesSixth grade student.
On Thursday evening, a group of youths launched an operation to capture the cat, but the animal was too clever and tricked them for more than eight hours. Finally, the cat was captured and handed over to the rescue team of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation and volunteers of People for Animals (PFA).
“It looks like the cat was bitten by some crazy stray dog. Cats usually do not bite. They scratch even when attacked. People who have been bitten by a cat should get the anti-rabies vaccine or tetanus injection.
Veterinarian Niranjan Padhi said, “Cat bites are just as serious as dog bites and require an anti-rabies vaccine. However, not many people are aware of the need for ARVs on cat bites. Maybe, they should go to the doctor immediately.” In the case of a cat-bite, there is a possibility of infection and symptoms of infection include erythema (redness), edema (swelling), progressive pain and fever, he said.