Bhupinder Singh Hooda Says G-23 Members Are Not Rebels But Reformists And Group Still Relevant

The former Chief Minister says that in Haryana for the last few years, the Congress had to bear the brunt due to the lack of organizational structure at the district and block level.

The former Chief Minister says that for the last few years in Haryana, the Congress had to bear the brunt due to the lack of organizational structure at the district and block level.

With the Presidential election process of the Indian National Congress likely to begin in a few days, the former Chief Minister of Haryana and currently the Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly Bhupinder Singh Hooda claims that G-23 – the group that has been pushing for a collective and inclusive leadership at the decision-making level in the party since August 2020, after its members wrote to Sonia Gandhi to press for sweeping changes in the party – not rebels, are reformists and the group is still relevant and will continue to make suggestions to strengthen the party in future as well. In an exclusive interview with The Hindu, Mr. Hooda says that in Haryana, for the past few years the party suffered due to lack of organizational structure at district and block level, but now the present HPCC leadership is in the process of building a vibrant organisation. to be done within a month. Part:

Since Congress is set to elect a national party president, is G-23 irrelevant now?

Absolutely not, the group has not lost its relevance and is still relevant. We are reformists not rebels. What we wrote was in the interest of the party and the party has actually acted on some of our suggestions. The party president is being elected. Senior leaders were influencing the party leadership for some reforms to revive the party. The party leadership has shown sensitivity towards the issues we raised with the party. Some of our concerns have been taken care of and we will continue to give our suggestions to strengthen the Congress.

Congress has decided to launch nationwide india couple travel CampaignDo you think this will help the party to reconnect with the masses?

During the independence movement, the Indian National Congress established emotional integrity and unity among the people of India from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. The Congress consolidated the idea of ​​India by assimilating and accommodating all political, social and cultural currents in the national mainstream. India couple Campaign to preserve diversity and protect democracy is the need of the hour. It is an attempt to re-engage with the people to rekindle the spirit of freedom struggle. It is an attempt to revive emotional integrity, which is the need of the hour. And this will strengthen the party.

Haryana Congress recently contemplation camp In Panchkula, what were the takeaways?

As a follow up to Udaipur contemplation camp of the Indian National Congress, organized by the Haryana Congress contemplation camp To prepare a road map for the party to rid the state of a corrupt, insensitive and ineffective government formed by the unholy coalition of Bharatiya Janata Party-Jannayak Janata Party. Haryana Congress showed renewed dedication and unity by adopting several key resolutions on unemployment, inflation, deteriorating law and order, widespread corruption and economic crisis being faced by the people.

Do you think that the absence of block or district committees for many years has caused an adverse loss to the Congress in Haryana? How long is the organizational overhaul expected?

Unfortunately, the party leadership in the state could not form the organization for many years, and hence the party suffered due to lack of organizational structure at the district and block levels for the past few years. The present HPCC leadership is in the process of gathering all the blocks to make a vibrant organization within a month.

How do you assess the performance of the ruling BJP-JJP coalition government?

This is a non-performing government, and the BJP-JJP government was only doing ‘event management’ and nothing concrete was being done on the ground for the welfare of the people. The performance of this government is dismal and hopeless, determined to destroy the state. BJP-JJP formed an alliance for narrow interests, and it is not motivated by any development agenda. Instead of public welfare and service, people in power are engaged in serving themselves. This is the reason why corruption is at its peak in the state today. The law and order situation is crumbling; MLAs and businessmen are being threatened for ransom. Besides this, the state is plagued by mining mafia, drug mafia, scams and scams, unemployment, inflation and debt trap.

Do you think you Who has recently formed the government in PunjabWill coming back to power in Haryana be a serious challenge for the Congress to revive its fortunes?

People in Haryana see Congress as an alternative and in 2024 assembly and parliamentary elections, it will be a contest between BJP and Congress. AAP’s bubble has burst after poor performance in Punjab. AAP lost the parliamentary bypoll from Sangrur constituency, which is considered to be a stronghold of the party, clearly showing that people have lost faith in AAP. AAP has failed to register its presence in Haryana.