Biden: US President Biden blames Russia for ‘devastating human rights abuses’ in Ukraine – Times of India

Washington: Russia Responsible for “catastrophic human rights abuses and the international humanitarian crisis” UkraineUS President Joe said Biden Thursday (local time).
Biden’s remarks came after United Nations The General Assembly (UNGA) voted condemning Russia’s attack against Ukraine.
According to a statement issued by white HouseTerming Russia’s military operation in Ukraine as an “unprovoked, unfair and unconscious war”, Biden said the emergency special session of the General Assembly convened by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the first time in 40 years demonstrates this limitation. Russia’s horrific attack on a sovereign neighbor demonstrated global outrage and unprecedented global unity.”
“Most nations around the world condemn Putin’s war. The overwhelming majority of nations believe it Putin Not only is it attacking Ukraine, but it is also attacking the very foundations of global peace and security – and everything the United Nations stands for. And a large part of the world believes that if we do not stand up to Putin’s Russia, it will only lead to more chaos and aggression in the world. Russia stood isolated with the support of only four brutal, authoritarian states,” Biden said, adding that the vote highlighted Putin’s isolation and blamed Belarus for unacceptable participation in this war.
The US President said that the world is rejecting the lies of Russia. “We can all see what is happening in Ukraine with our own eyes. Russia is responsible for the devastating human rights abuses and the international humanitarian crisis we are witnessing in Ukraine in real time. There is no room for excuses or equations. Russia is to blame,” he said.
Stating that the United Nations was established to “save generations to come from the scourge of war”, Biden said that “we must hold Russia accountable for its actions and demonstrate that freedom always prevails over tyranny”. wins.”
Meanwhile, screened voting results at the UN General Assembly showed that 141 countries voted in favor of the move and five were against it, with 35 not participating.
The UNGA voted overwhelmingly to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A rare standing ovation occurred as soon as the results were placed on the screen in the room, the UNGA statement said.
However, refuting the allegations of attacking civilian infrastructure, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzia said Moscow was not attacking civilians and civilian facilities.