Big B @80 | Still happy, getting better, say directors

From Ramesh Sippy, who directed him in the 1975 cult film Sholay, 47 years later to Ayan Mukerji, who directed his latest Brahmastra, Amitabh Bachchan is the man for all seasons and all types of films.

From Ramesh Sippy who directed him in the 1975 cult film cinder To Ayan Mukerji who directed his latest brahmastra 47 Years Later, Amitabh Bachchan Is The Hero Of All Seasons And All Kinds Of Movies

He’s 80 and going stronger than ever, spooling up in celluloid “miles,” with roles rolling in and directors still set to sign him. Amitabh Bachchan, they say, was an exciting actor and still is, perhaps the best actor of all time.

From Ramesh Sippy who directed him in the 1975 cult film cinder to Ayan Mukerji hel done your latest brahmastra After 47 years, Bachchan is famous for every season and all kinds of films.

“What a wonderful innings it’s been and he keeps getting better. He has played a variety of roles in comedy, drama, romance, dancing and songs. He can do anything and everything perfectly. Is there any bigger Or better? I doubt it,” added Sippy PTI The star is celebrating his 80th birthday on Tuesday. It’s only been five days since his latest release Bye,

Mukherjee said, “For me, it is a big deal to have Mr. Bachchan in my film. He is the father of Indian cinema. He is the most respected person in the film industry.”

Debut in 1969

Getting started with a relatively low profile Saat Hindustani In 1969, primarily remembered for serving as his launchpad all these years, Bachchan exploded onto the silver screen chain in 1973.

There was no looking back after that, and five decades of storytellers are still trying to understand the success of the man who keeps rediscovering himself – that ‘Angry Young Man’. chain, leader And WallFriendly, Funny Professor in hiding and controversial singing star Arrogant in the 1970s.

Then came in the 1980s with films like Power And continuation, The 1990s saw a slowdown in Bachchan’s career and several films, including death giver And red kingRocked at the box office.

File photo of Amitabh Bachchan and Govinda at the audio launch of big mian small mian in 1998 | photo credit: PTI

Bachchan was back as a television host in the next decade Who wants to be a millionaire in 2000. Twenty-two years later, the show is still running. This is the time when Bachchan transitioned into age-appropriate characters in films. it started with love and continues with different roles, be it pink, chinese kumo either cluster,

Sippy misses casting cinderWhich saw Bachchan and Dharmendra as two friends “fat as thieves”.

“I had seen his last two films- Pleasure in which he played a serious role, it was a difficult role and he stood out, and Bombay to Goa, where he played a lighter and more boisterous role, which impressed me a lot. We signed that.” A few months later chain And Wall free. unless cinder Aaya, he was a rising star, said the veteran filmmaker.

Sippy, who also worked with Bachchan Power, Shano And akaylaSaid that even after all these years, it is exciting to see the megastar creating magic again on the big and small screen.

“There have been many good actors and there is full respect for everyone but he definitely stands up,” he said.

experimenting with roles

They may be in awe of him, but all of Bachchan’s directors have experimented with the roles they offered him.

R. Balki, who worked with Bachchan for the first time in an ad campaign, gave him chinese kumoWhere Bachchan is 60 years old arrogant chef and is romancing the much younger Tabu, and Get It sees the star playing the role of a 12-year-old boy suffering from Progeria.

Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha in a scene from Silsila (1981)

Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha in a still from continuation (1981)

“Every filmmaker first thinks of Mr. Bachchan, everyone would love to have a chance to work with him. We all came to the cinema as his fans. I was luckier than some people. I write my films for him. I have been searching for my next film for a few years now,” Balki told PTI

Other ventures of the filmmaker – of and of, pad man And Quiet: Revenge of the Artist – Introduce the veteran star in an exclusive look.

“There is one word to describe Amit” Yes And that is Amitabh Bachchan. There is no other word… it has become like a character. It means so much, you could say personality, dignity, grace, powerful, voice, performance, everything being put together. There is a character named Amitabh Bachchan. That character is a rare occurrence,” said Balki.

For new age directors – Ayan Mukerji and Ribhu Dasgupta – the opportunity to direct Bachchan is nothing less than a dream.

While Mukherjee cast Bachchan as Guru in his science-fiction film, Dasgupta directed Bachchan in the TV series. war (2014) and 2016 mystery-thriller te3n,

Dasgupta has tried hard to keep his fan boy away from the picture.

“I come from Kolkata and we worship him there. There is a temple of Amitabh Bachchan in Kolkata. But when I directed him, I had to keep the fan boy out. Also, sir knows everything, where the camera should be, what and where the light should be, etc. He sees what the front is doing,” Dasgupta said.

This year, Bachchan has already had three theatrical releases – directed by Nagraj Manjule clusterAjay Devgn runway 34 And brahmastra,

his latest movie ByeDirected by Vikas Bahl, opens on Friday.

Now waiting for their release heightDirected by Sooraj Barjatya.