Big mistake in sharing photo with Amitabh Bachchan, even Angad Bedi can’t help him

The swag, style and grace of Amitabh Bachchan, the megastar of the century, is still unique. By the way, Amitabh Bachchan remains very active on social media as compared to his age stars. But sometimes something goes wrong. Due to one such mistake in a post, the whole world came to know that Big B is clumsy in the matter of reposting. No one else did this thing himself, Big B has shared it on his Instagram post. And told who helped him when he failed to repost.

Big B had posted a picture of himself, in which he was seen sporting a very decent look wearing a white kurta. From above, he had put a pot of shiny white color and golden border. He posted the image with his familiar smile while clapping to that song with one hand. He must have posted a similar image earlier as well, showing his head being cut off. After which he tried to change the image, but it could not be possible. As a result, they needed help.

She was informed about the change of picture on Instagram by Angad Bedi, who is also a film star and Neha Duhiya’s husband. Angad Bedi told him that he can change the image. After which he tried to change the image but failed. After this he took help from his granddaughter Navya Nanda and the work was done. This thing has been shared by Big B himself in the statement. After which he has also congratulated his fans for Baisakhi. Also congratulated for Bihu, Vishu, Mahavi Shubha Sankranti. This post of his has got more than one lakh thirty thousand likes in an hour.

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